Mercenary's Tale

Written by: William Heuisler

Submitted By: Keith Potter

More history than historical novel, this one grabs you from the start and never lets go.

A short-timer Marine is recruited from Quantico Marine Base by the CIA into anti-Castro, "Operation Mongoose" to train Cuban refugees on raids into Cuba. The condensed, but true story explores political intrigue and often-sinister characters in turbulent, bloody South Florida during the early sixties. Hints of betrayal complicate rescue missions and an unlikely love affair adds further tension. Readers are led through a bizarre world where ambush is only the dawn of misfortune, and where the horrors of combat, shipwreck, starvation and worse become commonplace.
Those interested in history in Cuba's tempestuous relationship with the United States and how powerful politicians courted Fidel - will be pleasantly surprised as six decades of Cuban turmoil becomes a current background for hurtling action and taut suspense.
The saga of bravery, betrayal, personal heartache and bittersweet retribution is completed as friends give the ultimate sacrifice and the U.S. Government indicts its own mercenaries.