Written by: Peter F Hamilton

Submitted By: Robert Douglas

Greg Mandel is a veteran of the Mindstar Brigade - an experimental outfit utilizing surgically implanted glands which grant psychic abilities. The communist regime under President Armstrong has collapsed and now, in these early years of transition to a more democratic government, Globally-warmed England is ripe for corporate ambition, technological advancement - and espionage. It is in this power-vacuum that leading industrialist Phillip Evans calls on Greg's psychic detective skills to investigate an act of sabotage on his company, Event Horizon. However, in a world of political instability and corporate influence, nothing is certain - except that searching for the truth still has its risks...and dangers.

Set in the author's native county of Rutland and a nearby, war-torn Peterborough, 'Mindstar Rising' is a futuristic thriller that raises many moral and ethical questions about what could be OUR future.