Reading Club

I assume you're here at this website because you like my books. Good. And that also means you might like the books I enjoy reading, and that all of us might enjoy the books that you read, so this is simply a place where we can exchange news of books - any books - not just historical novels. Tell us if you've read something wonderful and entertaining, and we'll post your recommendations and reviews here. And, please, let us know what you think of these recommendations!

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Our Boys

Written by: Dr. Helen Parr

Published by: Allen Laine

Submitted By: Mr MK Baker

Dr Helen Parr is a respected modern historian , she lost an uncle ,when a young girl ,to the Falklands War ,her Uncle was ,and will always be a young Paratrooper . Her Novel OUR BOYS ,is a tale told…



Written by: Jake Douglas and Georgia Barnes

Published by: Bedsit Publishing

Submitted By: Robert Douglas

Yes, the surname is no coincidence, I am indeed the younger brother to Jake Douglas! This book is a collection of talented poetry encompassing an interesting relationship between authors Jake and Georgia. I remember that Jake had in fact written…


Empires of Bronze: Son of Ishtar (Empires of Bronze 1)

Written by: Gordon Doherty

Published by: Independently Published

Submitted By: Gordon Doherty

(This review submitted by the book’s author) “A meticulously researched and vivid reimagining of an almost forgotten civilisation” – Douglas Jackson, bestselling author of the celebrated Gaius Valerius Verrens series “Vivid, immersive…wondrous!” – SJA Turney, bestselling author of Marius’ Mules…


The Doubtful Diaries of Wicked Mistress Yale

Written by: David Ebsworth

Published by: Silverwood Books

Submitted By: Dave McCall

(This review submitted by the book’s author) East India Company nabob and philanthropist Elihu Yale may have bequeathed his name to one of America’s great universities but to poor Catherine he left nothing but the slur of branding her a…


Battle Scars

Written by: Jason Fox and Matt Allen

Published by: Bantam Press

Submitted By: Robert Douglas

This the biography of Jason Fox, perhaps best known to many of us as one of four instructors from reality/challenge TV series ‘Who Dares Wins’. In ‘Battle Scars’, he describes action-packed episodes from his time during special forces operations in…


Albuera 1811

Written by: Guy Dempsey

Published by: Frontline Books

Submitted By: Geraint

On 16 May 1811, the small town of Albuera was the setting for one of the Peninsular War’s most bloody and desperate battles. A combined Spanish, British and Portuguese force of more than 30,000 men, under the command of Lord…


The Bernicia Chronicles

Written by: Matthew Harffy

Published by: Aria

Submitted By: Rick Hargraves

Fascinated with your Last Kingdom series and found this series, which deals with Britain in the 7th century. Fills the time between your books nicely. I enjoy the two periods of English history.  


Long Daze at Long Binh

Written by: Stephen H Donovan and Frederick Borchardt

Published by: DCI Communications

Submitted By: Dan Markham

For a completely different take on the Vietnam War, check out “Long Daze at Long Binh”– a humorous memoir by two Vietnam medics. Excellent reviews from Vietnam Veterans of America, and Midwest Book Review, among others