Reading Club

I assume you're here at this website because you like my books. Good. And that also means you might like the books I enjoy reading, and that all of us might enjoy the books that you read, so this is simply a place where we can exchange news of books - any books - not just historical novels. Tell us if you've read something wonderful and entertaining, and we'll post your recommendations and reviews here. And, please, let us know what you think of these recommendations!

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The Ill-Made Knight

Written by: Christian Cameron

Published by: Orion

Submitted By: Anne

Christian Cameron goes medieval in grand style with “The Ill-Made Knight”, the action-packed adventures of a young London apprentice who joins the army of Edward, the Black Prince, takes part in the Battle of Poitiers and is mentored by (in)famous…


Sipping Whiskey in a Shallow Grave

Written by: Mark Mitten

Published by: Sunbury Press

Submitted By: Mark Mitten

(This review posted by the book’s author) This title was a Finalist (Nominee) for the 2013 Peacemaker Awards (category: Best New Novel). It has been picked up for circulation in virtually every Colorado library. FROM THE JACKET: “It is 1887….


Where They Bury You

Written by: Steve Kohlhagen

Published by: Sunstone Press

Submitted By: Bernard Cornwell

Steve Kohlhagen’s novel of the West is a wonderful read, a book I couldn’t recommend more highly! Be sure to visit his website


Devil’s Charge

Written by: Michael Arnold

Published by: John Murray Publishers

Submitted By: William

The second book in this excellent series on the English Civil War.


The Path To Redemption

Written by: Steven J Smith

Published by: united p.c.

Submitted By: Tom Reeves

I love historical fiction in general and this is a fantastic novel of the genre. I believe this is the author’s first book but I hope it is not his last! Set between the 1st & 2nd Crusades, it follows…



Written by: Tosca Lee

Published by: Howard Books

Submitted By: Greg Anchors

An American woman named Tosca Lee has written a splendiferously well researched & engaging alternate story of Christ’s betrayer. Jesus himself isn’t the main character,but an essential subject of the tale. In Iscariot,Judas is both PRO-tagonist & ANT-agonist. We read…


50 Decisive Battles that Changed History

Written by: Geoffrey Regan

Published by: Carlton Books

Submitted By: Robert Douglas

This book is a collection of fifty battles which forever changed the course of history. There are many famous, familiar ones: Gaugamela, Hastings, Bosworth, Blenheim, Waterloo… yet there’s also other, more obscure engagements nevertheless just as intriguing or consequential. Mind-boggling…


The Arrow of Sherwood

Written by: Lauren Johnson

Published by: Claymore Press

Submitted By: Claire

I love a good historical book, so was intrigued to see a new novel in my local bookshop inspired by Robin Hood. Sick of poorly researched historical romance, I was delighted to find that The Arrow of Sherwood cleverly turns…


Marius’ Mules I

Written by: S.J.A. Turney

Published by: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Submitted By: Rob Culberson

This is the first book in a series about Caesar’s invasion of Gaul. In a nutshell, the series is Caesar’s Commentaries told from the perspective of one of his generals. The battle scenes are great and the dialog between the…


Embers of War

Written by: John Pomeroy

Submitted By: John Pomeroy

(This review posted by the book’s author) Maugerville St. John River Valley, 1775 Samuel Bridges left the Massachusetts colony far behind for a new life in Nova Scotia hoping to live out his days in peace amongst the hard working…