Reading Club

I assume you're here at this website because you like my books. Good. And that also means you might like the books I enjoy reading, and that all of us might enjoy the books that you read, so this is simply a place where we can exchange news of books - any books - not just historical novels. Tell us if you've read something wonderful and entertaining, and we'll post your recommendations and reviews here. And, please, let us know what you think of these recommendations!

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Riding on Duke’s Train/Travels With Louis

Written by: Mike Carlon

Published by: Leapfrog Press

Submitted By: Mike Carlon

THIS REVIEW SUBMITTED BY THE BOOK’S AUTHOR These are my two young adult novels, which are being adopted by more and more middle and high schools, as well as by the education department of Jazz at Lincoln Center.  In addition,…


The Wandering King

Written by: Stephen Bradford Marte

Published by: Stephen Bradford Marte

Submitted By: Stephen Bradford Marte

THIS REVIEW SUBMITTED BY THE BOOK’S AUTHOR: Most people have heard about King Leonidas and the famous last stand of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae.  The story comes from ‘The History’ by the father of history, Herodotus.  Sadly, recent books…


Hangman’s Point

Written by: Dean Barrett

Published by: Village East Books

Submitted By: Dean Barrett

Review submitted by book’s author: “Setting is more than a backdrop in this fast-paced adventure story of mid-nineteenth-century British colonial Hong Kong. Characters, plot, and numerous subplots reflect the clash of cultures and class — both within and between the…


The World Is Not Enough

Written by: Zoe Oldenbourg

Published by: Carroll & Graf Publishers

Submitted By: Clay Chesney

Zoe Oldenbourg has written a number of books on the middle ages, set mostly  in France, and which, in the words of one reviewer, capture “the strength and brutality, squalor and beauty, faith and ignorance, pageantry and agony of Europe’s…


One Heartbeat A Minute

Written by: Craig William Emms

Published by: Cold Fish Books

Submitted By: Linda Barnett

One Heartbeat A Minute is a fiction thriller based on true events. It features a former Special Force’s soldier and agent of the Secret Intelligence Service named John Smith, and his adventures in half a dozen wars and conflicts around…



Written by: Jeremy Han

Published by: Lulu

Submitted By: Jeremy Han

(Review submitted by the book’s author).  Thank you Bernard for permission to share my book here. And thank you readers for browsing. I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Reviews and Synopsis below…



Written by: Derek Birks

Published by: Amazon Digital

Submitted By: Derek Birks

(This review submitted by the book’s author) Thanks Bernard for inviting me to post my book in the Reading Club. The book has been well received. I’m not prepared to compliment my own work but the Historical Novel Review wrote…


The Murder Room

Written by: P. D. James

Published by: Vintage

Submitted By: Ken

One of the Adam Dalgliesh mystery series by P.D. James.  Very enjoyable writing style and story.


The Songs of Slaves

Written by: David Gray Rodgers

Published by: CreateSpace

Submitted By: David Gray Rodgers

(This review submitted by the book’s author). It is the turn of the Fifth Century. The Roman Empire – fractured and groaning under its own weight – lies under constant threat from political upheaval, economic crisis, religious strife, and ever-advancing…