Reading Club

I assume you're here at this website because you like my books. Good. And that also means you might like the books I enjoy reading, and that all of us might enjoy the books that you read, so this is simply a place where we can exchange news of books - any books - not just historical novels. Tell us if you've read something wonderful and entertaining, and we'll post your recommendations and reviews here. And, please, let us know what you think of these recommendations!

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The Forgotten Rebellion

Written by: Benjamin Rudall

Published by: Austin & Macauley Publishers

Submitted By: Benjamin Rudall

(This review submitted by the book’s author). Scotland, 1815.Courageous and beautiful Maggie Burns becomes swept up in an elaborate plot that will destroy the heart of Scotland and England forever. Propaganda and rumour turn the Scottish people against England, causing…



Written by: Robert Harris

Published by: Random House

Submitted By: Robert Douglas

Xavier March is an SS detective assigned to a murder case in Hitler’s Germany. But this is 1964 – in a world where the Nazi regime won World War II in Europe and a Cold War now exists between the…


The Red Knight

Written by: Miles Cameron

Published by: Orbit

Submitted By: Anne

Stonking debut fantasy/adventure from a well-known (and thinly disguised) author of historical fiction. In an alternate world which owes much to the fourteenth century, soldiers straight from the 100 Years War battle entities of the Wild led by a malevolent…


Man of War

Written by: Charlie Schoeder

Published by: Hudson Street Press

Submitted By: Sheila Churchill

The incredibly fascinating world of reenactors is explored by former actor and NPR contributor  Schroeder in a quest to explore history .  Along the way he takes part in a variety of eras: Viking , Roman, Nazi (!), Civil War,…


Purnell’s Concise Encyclopedia of History

Written by: Lionel Munby, M.A

Submitted By: Robert Douglas

My sister bought this huge book around my fifth birthday – and it’s more ideal for younger readers to get into history. Even if the reading level was a little high for my age at the time, nevertheless I was…



Written by: Stewart Binns

Published by: Penguin

Submitted By: Richard Turner

I read the sequel, Crusade, first (a random choice when I needed a book to read) and it piqued my interest in a character I had never heard of despite covering the Normans in history at school. It tells the…


The Dead Shall Not Rest

Written by: Tessa Harris

Published by: Kensington

Submitted By: Tessa Harris

(This review posted by the book’s author) In the second book in Tessa Harris’s Dr Thomas Silkstone series, THE DEAD SHALL NOT REST, the doctor returns to put his forensic knowledge and investigative skills to work as he battles his…


The Legionnaire: Mask of the Pharaoh

Written by: SJ Parkinson

Published by: SJ Parkinson

Submitted By: SJ Parkinson

(Review posted by the book’s author) The golden burial mask of Tutankhamun was the most famous archaeological discovery of the 20th century. When it is stolen from the guarded hold of a cargo ship in the middle of the Atlantic…


The Way of Kings

Written by: Brandon Sanderson

Published by: Tor Books

The astounding new book by a writer that is gaining quite a reputation(chosen to finish Robert Jordan’s wheel of time series from a partial manuscript). “Fantasy” it is but the themes are eternal and universal. Epic battles…strange magic and religions..Kings…


The Caspian Gates

Written by: Harry Sidebottom

Published by: Penguin

Submitted By: Paul Campbell

Action packed adventure in the 3rd century Caucasus with Sidebottoms rough tough Roman officer, the Angle Ballista. Sidebottoms maps and glossary give a learning experience to the violence and twists of the story. A 3rd Century Roman `Sharpe’ who, with…