Written by: David Eddings

Submitted By: David Wilcock

This is the first of a fantasy Quintet first published some time ago. I first read the series some time in the 90's and have come back to them many times since. Although many older readers and lovers of fantasy will know and love these books, I feel anyone who hasn't heard of them and is looking for a good book should be pointed their way. The story follows Garion, a kitchen boy, through adolescence, leading him from a hasty flight with his mysterious Guardian Aunt Pol and her relation Mr Wolf, across the land in search of someone, who as far as Garion can work out has stolen something important to Mr wolf. As the story unfolds Garion realises there is a lot more to the world than the cosy kitchen in the Farm he grew up, and develops from a perfectly normal little boy into something entirely different. The narrative is quick and witty mainly through a mischievous rogue called Silk and I would recommend it to anyone.