Written by: SGT.DAN MILLS

Submitted By: Greg Anchors

Just finished this 1.Normally,non-fiction by soldiers doesn't excite me much,though I'm very interested.This account by Sgt. Mills (& his "professional" ghost writer-lets not kid ourselves)of his sniper plts yr in Iraq more than 1 yr after the initial invasion is a chilling rollercoaster ride through a hell of Shia militias,maniacal Imams,ignorant commanders,a callous media,ruthless terrorists,an even more ruthless govt,deadly heat,debilitating illness & the nightmarish dilemma of hate,bigotry,greed & bloodlust that makes up warfare.These snipers see & know all cause they're the scouts & surgical assassins in any theatre of war.They get a front row seat & if you're interested in the battlefield per se,these are the guys to learn from.I couldn't put it down & I dont normally use that cliche.