Written by: S R Sorel

Submitted By: Sue Hopgood

This is an epic tale of warlords, Kings, Queens, knights, love, sexual desire and supernatural sorcery, spanning three worlds: the mystical Realm of Avalon, where the 'Fair Folk' live; the dark lands of the 'Underworld', and the world of men. It is a modern re-telling of the timeless tales of King Arthur and his knights, set in the ancient land of Britain in the godless times of the fifth century.
It is told in a style that is as vibrant and fresh as possible, breathing new life into the characters of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, Sir Lancelot and Merlin, depicting a world of harsh brutality and also enchanting mystical sorcery with sexual desire, love, hate and wars are graphically portrayed.
You can follow some of the main characters from their birth, or from the time, as young men or women, when they are embarking on their journey through life: some grow in status, finding love and happiness; some fall foul of circumstances, and some die tragically in acts of violence, war and betrayal.
The stories are inclusive of mystery woven by the 'fates' and the 'Ancient Ones', the old gods of Britain. King Arthur as a man of two faiths, pagan and Christian, and torn between the two. He is also caught in a grim struggle between betrayal and honour of the Knights of the Round Table; he must do battle with the Northern Lords and the Picts, both greedy for land, and he must battle also with Lord Pwyll, the Demon King of the Underworld and his half sister Morgan Le Fay, his mistress of Fate and Death.
Above all, this is a tale of good versus evil and light versus dark, beginning with the arrival, out of the shimmering ether, of the Fair Folk and their mysterious Crystal Castle called Avalon.
It's brilliant!!!!