Written by: Garry Douglas Kilworth

Submitted By: Andrew

Ok - this is an old book printed in 1997 but I've only just found it. This book is good - plain and simple. It's the first in a series that follows the story of Sgt. Jack (Fancy Jack) Crossman 1/88th Regiment of Foot during The Crimean War - then after into the Indian Mutiny. The story is very gritty and realistic - you can really see the mud clogged, disease ridden and frezzing camp of the British Army. The action is wonderfully told and the main character is wonderfully written; He's a sort of turn-around Sharpe as he's a nobleman who runs away from home to join the ranks. He's smart, witty and actually feels fear and he has morels too. But enough of my babbling - these books are still being writen - so go and get 'em now.