The Forgotten Rebellion

Written by: Benjamin Rudall

Submitted By: Benjamin Rudall

(This review submitted by the book's author).

Scotland, 1815.Courageous and beautiful Maggie Burns becomes swept up in an elaborate plot that will destroy the heart of Scotland and England forever. Propaganda and rumour turn the Scottish people against England, causing rebels to take up arms and fight. Maggie is targeted by a mysterious monk to solve a mystery that will change Britain as we know it. Along with Richard, to whom Maggie feels herself drawn, they undertake their quest. Yet, as Maggie finds out to her peril, not everyone is as they seem and more than one person is using the art of double crossing .... Benjamin Rudall has produced an intricately detailed historical novel, The Forgotten Rebellion, which engages the reader to accompany Maggie on her journey to find out the truth. Written against a backdrop of the battle of Waterloo, violence, romance and history combine together to create a unique experience of Britain in the early 1800s.