Written by: Michael Shaara

Submitted By: Jon Arden

Puliitzer prize winning novel about Gettysburg. American civil war does not get any better than this.


I've been scrolling thru the past book reviews for likely books to read. While doing so I noticed Jon Arden's review of The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. Jon's correct, it doesn't get any better than this with American Civli War writing. I'd also like to add a few comments of my own since I read this many years ago and have read it again after I saw Gettysburg, the movie adaptation. Shaara does a marvellous job of handling the battle. But the strength of his novel lies in the portrayal of the main characters and the internal dialogue of their hopes and fears. Shaara does a wonderful job of getting into the minds of Robert E. Lee, James Longstreet, Joshua Chamberlain and several other characters. You see Lee wishing to bring an end to the sea of blood in which they're adrift and seeking the decisive battle which will end the war. Longstreet, tormented by the loss of his children to an epidemic, strives to cope with a war fought in the tactics of the 17th Century while his mind is already in the 20th Century with awareness of the new weapons and what they can do. Chamberlain believes in the rightness of fighting slavery and uniting the divided nation while he weighs the goodness of man and the killer in him. It's really great stuff. Even if you're not an American it's worth reading. Just great storytelling and great insight into the minds of the men who decided the fate of a nation. David M. Dunaj