The Road to Jerusalem; The Templar Knight; & The Birth of the Kingdom

Written by: Jan Guilleau

Submitted By: Brad

Shocked that Guilleau's Crusades trilogy is not on this list. Found these before I found BC and began to devour everything he writes. Great story of a boy raised in a monastery and taught by a former Templar who knocks up his betrothed before the wedding and m is sentenced to a penance of 20 years as a Templar in the Holy Land where he experiences the loss of Jerusalem and develops a personal relationship with Saladin before headin back to his homeland to find his betrothed who has also served a 20 year penance in a cloister and to solidify his family's position in the struggle for power throughout the North. Awesome imagery, great characters, and a real sense for the time period. A little less blood guts and gore than BC, but a fantastic trilogy altogether.