Written by: Sharon Kay Penman

Submitted By: Lisa Hughes & Justin Brown

This book details the life of Richard III of England from a sympathetic point of view. Penman allows the reader to come to see the man as a human being trying to do the best with what live gave him instead of a murderous monster. This book, though long, is impossible to put down and may even invade your sleep:). Lisa Hughes

Most people, if they have heard of Richard III of England, think of him as Shakespeare wrote him. A scheming hunchback who plotted to seize the throne after the demise of his brother, Edward IV. But how do we know this is so? Sharon Kay Penman explores the possibilities, using what research is at hand from that time, to compile a tale that paints Richard as the protagonist of this amazing book - showing him in a completely different light from what the victors of that time had history dictate to us.

Covering all, from the time of Richard's boyhood, to his final moments, teaching you the great accomplishments of his royal brother as well as his own, this book truly has it all. Romance, intrigue, death, betrayal, and truly well written battle scenes.

I cannot recommend this book enough to my fellow readers, because if you enjoyed the Sharpe books, and find a fascination with the War of the Roses, then you will truly enjoy this. Justin Brown