Written by: Tim O'Brien

Submitted By: Torr Fassett

I happened upon this book during my college courses, and didn't think I would enjoy it. Generally speaking, books concerning Vietnam cover a generally bleak and sordid black and white sentiment: valiant soldiers fighting for their country, or horrible tales of death and destruction.

This particular book has neither. It is, in effect, a war story about war stories. The detail and language style is something to be in awe of, despite the fact that there is no real way to determine what is fabricated and what is true.

There are no tales of heroism, of guts and glory. It is more of a perspective piece; it is told in a way that makes you feel the mud, the grime, and the aches of common grunts. This is due in no small part to O'Brien's intimate knowledge of the field.

There is no way to review this book in a way that will do it justice. Suffice it to say that it will leave you breathless.