Written by: William V. Crockett

Submitted By: Sue Lee

In Roman Britannia, north of the Antonine Wall, a Celtic woman named Neeve goes undercover as a mapmaker to spy on a Roman fort, as her brothers lead their clansmen's fight against the encroaching Roman legions. However, she finds herself drawn to the commander, who feels the same way despite having been raised to distrust the barbarian Celts. Meanwhile, political machinations in the Senate threaten to destroy them both. In the end, Neeve must choose between her loyalty to her people or her growing love for the Roman soldier.

What I liked about this book was that it wasn't a corny romance novel at all, but a fascinating look at different cultural dynamics and ways of life. I also enjoyed learning about Roman warfare, even though I usually dislike all things military. The characters and the historical setting were interesting, especially since I was very ignorant about Roman Britannia. The page-turning plot line and fluid writing made it all come to life.